Comfort vs Possibility

My husband and I had created a very comfortable life back in New York.  We created our home to fit our needs as best it could and we both had careers we loved.  Our home and life was nice, cozy, very familiar and pretty secure.

At the same time, we felt a pull to a different lifestyle that existed somewhere other than New York where we could have greater possibly.  Thus began our journey of exploring what different places (cities and states) had to offer, which places felt like a better fit for our needs and wants.  We were both excited about this journey but also very uncomfortable with the unknown.

Would we like this new place?  Would we be able to create the careers we wanted?  The lifestyle we wanted?  We didn’t know for sure.  What we did know was that we were ready to go for it, ready to leave the comfort we created for a little while to create new comfort – that looked and felt different – somewhere else.

That readiness helped us leap out of our comfort zones and make the move to North Carolina.  Those first few months in a new place were both very exciting and very challenging.  It was exciting to explore a new city, meet new people and buy a new home.  It was challenging emotionally to feel adrift with no anchor, no connections and no sense of where anything was!

We let the excitement win and soon enough we began to find new comfort as we made friends and made a home here.

What possibilities are you ready for?

What comfort must you leave behind to reach for those possibilities?

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Recharging: Staying Focused and Energized

How often do you find yourself completed depleted and exhausted?   I will venture to guess that it’s too often.  This is especially true at this time of year as we add holiday planning and festivities into our already packed lives.

One of the most important things we can do for ourselves (our work and our families) is to stay focused and energized.  To do that you have to make “recharging” a priority in your life and create habits that support it.

How do I recharge?

In my work it includes:

  • Taking breaks throughout the day – Whether it’s just 5 minutes to walk downstairs to get a cup of tea, do a few stretches, or get the mail…  These short breaks reenergize me and allow my brain to take a breather as well.
  • Finding my best schedule – it took a while but I have found a work schedule that aligns with my energy level
  • Conversations with like minded colleagues to keep me inspired – I love sharing ideas, information and getting feedback!
  • Days at coffee shop to write – I have found that getting out of my office in stepping into a bustling coffee shop awakens my creativity and offer a better writing experience.
  • Leaving enough time in my schedule to breathe – I am grateful that I have full control of my schedule but even then I have to stay aware of leaving room for me in the schedule.  It is too easy to become overcommitted.

In my personal life some of the ways I recharge are by:

  • Being in nature – I love being in nature whether it’s walking/running in my neighborhood or going to a park
  • Painting– allows me expression of creativity
  • Exercise – energizes my body the whole day since I do it first thing in the morning

How do you recharge?

Being Thankful

At Thanksgiving we take the time to review our lives and acknowledge all we have to be thankful for.  It feels wonderful to be thankful, to fully realize and notice all that we are and all that we have.

If it feels so wonderful, why do many of us wait until this time of year to do this?

I think we get so caught up in the details of our daily lives (our habits and to do lists) that we forget to stop and pay attention to the essence of our lives, the beauty around us, the love and support we have.  Also, I think we put so much emphasis on where we want to be in the future that we lose sight of what is here now.

How often do you express gratitude for your life, just as it is right now?

What am I thankful for?  Here is a partial list:

  • My loving husband and the way he makes me laugh
  • My family, especially my beautiful nephews and niece
  • My wonderful friends and the experiences we have together
  • My good health
  • The beauty of nature
  • My daily exercise routine and healthy food choices
  • Seeing the growth of my clients as they discover and stretch themselves
  • The home my husband and I have made for ourselves

What are you thankful for?

Now it’s your turn. Take some time this month to think about, and write out, everything you are thankful for. Whether it’s the ability to see the leaves change and fall to the sounds of your children’s laughter to the successes you have had with your career.  Then each and every day, make it a point to remember and enjoy what you have.

Happy Thanksgiving!