When do you feel most alive?

This is one of the questions in my Journal of Possibilities and a very important one.  Aliveness is what you bring to any experience you have.

I thought I would take a moment to share some examples from my own life of what makes me feel most alive.

I feel most alive when my senses are heightened

This can include tasting and savoring every morsel of a delicious meal, taking in with my eyes a gorgeous garden or other natural scenic vista, enjoying the scent of fresh flowers, enjoying the feel of soft fabric on my skin, listening to the sounds of crickets and birds in my backyard and watching wildlife go about their daily routine.

I feel alive in my work when I am engaged with others.  When I am working with my clients one on one, delivering a seminar to a group of people eager to learn and having a deep conversation with likeminded colleagues.

I also feel most alive when I am playing.  Whether it’s laughing with my husband and friends, creating a painting or new space in my home, or traveling to a new place.

When do you feel most alive?

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Rejuvenate Your Passion

In a recent seminar of the same title, when I asked particpants what prompted them to be attracted to this topic, here is what they shared..

  • They are in dip
  • Wanting to be happier – more possibility
  • The word rejuvenate
  • No more excuses!
  • Job change with some fear
  • Wanting to better understand passion
  • Lost – feeling “should be happy” but something missing
  • Wanting different, better options for their life

Do any of these resonate for you?

In the seminar we talked about the difference between highs, contentment and dips.  We all go through cycles in our lives – from the dips in mood, energy and focus to feeling satisfied with what we have achieved, what we have and where we are t0 feeling excited, energized and driven.  All of these cycles are necessary.
  • The dips allow us time to reflect, renew and recharge – perhaps deciding where we want to go next.
  • The feeling of contentment allows us to appreciate what we have, who we are and what matters most.
  • The feeling of a high allows us to take action and forge ahead toward a new goal.

Too often, I believe we are chasing the high feeling like we are missing something “out there”.  What we wind up missing is the opportunity to take time to reflect, to be more present and to be excited about the whole journey.


New Hobby

A few months ago I had a whim to start crocheting again.  I had learned how to crochet maybe 15 years ago but did not love it at the time so I let it go.   Of course I had forgotten how to do it so I watched a video on YouTube and re-learned in a matter of minutes.  A few days later my first crochet creation was complete and I was very proud!

My First Crochet Scarf

Fast forward to today and I have completed many projects, some I have given as gifts, some I am enjoying wearing, especially my slippers…

Crochet Slippers

For me, taking up a new hobby makes me think, gives me something creative to focus on, gives me a goal to work toward.  All of that combined infuses new energy into my life.

What about you?

What new hobbies have you started lately?

Which are you interested in trying out?

What are you waiting for?