When I ask this of clients, some find it easy to list many different things they want to be, do or have. For others, this question often leaves them stumped.

Why is it important to imagine?

Imagination is where your creativity can roam free.  A place where everything can be possible.  In your imagination, there do not have to be any limits to your abilities, your opportunities, your abundance.  Here, you can live the life of your dreams.

Imagination is also where ideas can be born, ideas that can take you to the next phase of your career or life, where solutions to many problems can be found.  It allows you to process information with no limits, to create a vision for what you truly want, designing your ideal world.

Imagination gives you the freedom to grow, plan and tap into the essence of you, gives you access to childhood wondering.

If you are one of those that already have a long bucket list…

  • How often do you act on, walk toward, acquire or engage in these activities?
  • What keeps this list in the forefront of your mind as you lead your daily life?
  • What have you created that brings your vision to life?  Is it a narrative, vision board or just daydreaming?
  • How do you want to take your imagination to the next leve?

If you are one that is stumped…

  • How wonderful would it feel to imagine and dream? Here are some questions to get your imagination flowing…
  • If success were guaranteed, what would you do in your career?
  • If you had limitless funds, how would you spend your days, time, energy, money?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world and those you love were nearby, where would you live?

Tips for imagining….

  • Stay focused on limitless thinking – in your imagination there do not need to be any obstacles
  • Allow yourself to feel good – imagining what you believe IS possible for yourself and your life
  • Not really believing it? Add “wouldn’t it be wonderful if….” As a starter for some of your thoughts/journaling
  • Create an “imagining” board (vision board) with images that capture what is in your imagination
  • Use prompts (like the questions above) to get you thinking beyond what you currently can see
  • Visualize yourself being, doing or having what you think you want
  • Steer clear of “how” you will get there –focus on being there instead
What do you Imagine for your life?
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