I held a group coaching teleclass recently for a group of 5 friends from different cities who wanted to come together to learn and grow. Our topic was Living a Passionate Life. Facilitating this teleclass/group coaching call is one one of my own passions in life. Nothing charges me up like hearing someone experience and “ah ha” moment. It often happens when listening to someone else in the group express something about their life and situation. Suddenly you see your own life from a new perspective, often noticing for the first time something that was right in front of you!
It was wonderful to hear these 5 friends sharing their thoughts, hopes, dreams and challenges with each other around what it means to them to be living a passionate life. I was so pleased to hear that in the midst of very busy lives, these women were creating time in their lives to live their passion. Do they wish they had more time? Certainly – which is why we spent a good portion of the call working on some strategies to create space in their lives for it!
What are some of your ah ha moments?