I have aways known that creativity was an important part of my life, but recently I realize how easily I let it slip away from time to time. Many of you know that I paint, but it had been weeks since the last time I took a brush to paper. Summer, the beach, my business, time with friends – all wonderful other things crowded it out. Then, in the last two weeks I resurrected it. One afternoon I spent painting with a friend of mine who is an artist and this past weekend another friend and I walked around downtown Raleigh with my camera. This had been something I had wanted to do for a while, since I love beautiful architecture. I went to take my first shot and realized my camera batteries were dead. Now you think it would be easy to find someplace to buy batteries in a city, but many things were closed on the weekend. I did not give up though and found my batteries in one of the hotel convenience shops. Here is some evidence of photos I captured.
Being Creative