My focus and passion is coaching people through career and life transitions. For more than 25 years, I have been helping people to gain clarity of what they want, challenging them to stretch beyond their comfort zones to build their confidence, and define their direction by guiding them through small and large transformations that bring greater happiness and meaning to their lives.
The story of how I gained clarity, built confidence and chose my new direction…
My career began as a Career Counselor in a university where, for almost 12 years, I helped hundreds of students and alumni learn about themselves and choose their career paths, often stepping out of their comfort zones to take their careers in a whole new direction. I loved my career!
Then, in late 2003, I began to question what I was doing with my life…was I achieving what I wanted to, developing the way I wanted to, living a life that fit who I was? The answer was no. While my life was good, I was living it from a place of safe and comfortable.
So I embarked on a journey of self discovery, gaining my own clarity with who I was and what I wanted for my life and career. The journey was an exciting, and often scary one…full of “what if’s”, especially since I never considered myself a risk taker. I knew that I needed support and encouragement to “let go of the ledge” of my comfort …so I hired my own coach – someone who challenged me to do more than I ever thought I would.
The result…finding our “perfect” place to live – after a lifetime in New York we moved to North Carolina, a place we always dreamed of, but never knew existed – yet also a place where we did not know a single person! In addition to that leap, I also completed my career transition from Career Counselor in a university to a self-employed Career and Life Coach, where I have now been for more than 17 years. I am proud of how far I have come and excited about the future! Starting my life over was the biggest stretch of my life, but it does not stop there…
My new journey…
My husband and I have recently chosen to dive in to one of our dreams, living full time on a lake! We stepped into this dream a few years ago by finding a very affordable home with a beautiful lake view in a small tight-knit community only 45 min from our current home. We spent every weekend there, fixing it up to be a home we can live in and have come to love it and the community so much, we have taken the plunge and made it our full time home. This transition is exciting and scary (sounds familiar) as it brings us to semi-retirement. As we begin to navigate this new chapter of our lives, we are exploring how we love spending our time and what we value most.
How I have continued to stretch…
- Transitioning my coaching focus to working with those seeking more confidence, meaning and purpose in their own lives, those wanting to live according to their own values! That includes those on the cusp of or already in retirement, those wanting to get the most from the career they are in, small business owners who want a lifestyle along with their business and those wanting to just experience greater joy in their lives.
- Created a Video series called Finding Your Possibilities, which include short 3-5 minute videos on topics such as Rejuvenate Your Passion, Discover Your Possibilities and Transitions. Video was way out of my comfort zone!
- Published a workbook called Journey From Comfort to Possibility for self-discovery and personal transformation. A good starting point for anyone considering a life change, thinking about working with a life coach, or ready to put what they have learned about themselves through the many self-help books they have read, into action!
- Writing monthly inspirational articles giving you insight into my thoughts, beliefs and perspective as a career and life coach. For so many years, writing was a big stretch for me until a colleague asked for an article which launched my path and built my own confidence in my writing.
- TV Debut! My seminar on Getting Noticed, Known and Connected for the Triangle United Way in Durham, was covered by one of our local TV stations, NBC-17. Talk about being out of my comfort zone!
Coaching Approach
In my work with clients, I use a variety of modalities, tools and exercises to help bring about clarity, confidence and direction. I balance left and right brain thinking to help my clients to see possibilities as well as create concrete plans. I help them assess their realities, understand their obstacles and offer strategies to think bigger, move past roadblocks and offer accountability to get them where they want to go.

In the coaching realm, I hold my Professional Coach Certification (PCC) through the International Coach Federation, obtained Appreciative Engagement Coaching Levels 1 & 2 Certification and am a graduate of the Institute for Life Coaching Training. In addition, I hold a Masters in Counseling and Bachelors in Psychology. Can you tell I love learning?
My involvement in the coaching and small business community has included serving as the President of the Raleigh, N.C. chapter of the International Coach Federation (icfraleigh.org) in 2014, Vice President in 2013 and as Past President in 2015 and 2016. Prior to that I served as Program Chair and later President of Chix in Business (www.chixinbusiness.org) a women’s business group in Raleigh, NC.
I look forward to helping you gain your own clarity, confidence and direction!
You have had the chance to learn a bit about me. Now I would love to learn about you and your goals.