“Be careful what you practice because you will get better at it”.

That is the overall message in Dave Mochel’s Ted Talk: What are you Practicing right now?

Watching this talk got me thinking about all of the things we practice that go beyond the usual (like an instrument, a craft, or a skill we want to master).  Every day, with every choice, we are practicing SOMETHING.

Your HABITS are practices

A habit is formed when you repeatedly engage in something until it feels automatic,  like reaching for fruit instead of cookies when you want something sweet, exercise first thing in the morning before anything else, getting lost in Facebook as you go-to de-stressor

Your THOUGHTS are practices

The more you think the same thought, the more that thought will be the one you go to when a similar situation is presented.  Thoughts like…. “I CAN vs I CAN’T” when you are faced with something new, seeing what is GOOD vs what is BAD in every situation, imagining what can/will go RIGHT/WELL vs BAD/WRONG as you are about to do something.

Your WORDS are practices

Words spoken to yourself inside (about yourself/others/the world) and to others out loud (about yourself/others/the world) – all have a profound impact on your mood, your views and your choices.  Are you using words like WILL vs TRY, WOULD NOT MIND vs REALLY WANT, LOVE vs HATE, BEAUTIFUL vs UGLY, the word BUT to negate the positive things you just experienced/noticed instead of AND to add-to what you are experiencing?

Your WAYS OF BEING in the world, with yourself and others are practices

This includes how you behave and how you “show up” in life….are you PLAYING BIG or PLAYING SMALL? Are you mostly PRESENT or mostly DISTRACTED?  Are you ENGAGING with other or RETREATING from others?

Some practices serve you very well in life, they support your sense of feeling safe, contented, and connected.  Some practices limit your experiences and potential.

What do you currently practice?

What would you LIKE to practice?

What are you Practicing?